We're frozen solid this winter ... and that's probably
why I haven't been posting! Someone finally threw some rock
salt on me and chipped me off of the frozen ground. Thanks!
This wonderful vinyl only release from Misty Lane Records out of
Italy, really isn't complete, but has the makings of several more
volumes! (hint hint) It features a variety of small local labels of
the music of the 60's, and is a natural extension of the
Ace Records compilations:
Rockin' In Wisconsin-The Cuca Records Story Volume 3,
Elemental Instrumentals-Instrumental Rock From Cuca Records
1959-1965, and the wonderful Garagemental!-The Cuca Records
Story Volume 2 (also on Ace Records) It seems like the labels from
Italy and the UK are the only ones releasing music like this, sadly.
But what the heck, someone like us!
We music fanatic Wisconsin-ites have known about this music for years!
We have the singles, and that was the only way to have this music.
But no one's taken it the the next level by releasing it,on compilations,
until import labels made it cool. Thanks! Finally Wisconsin music has a
chance to shine! It's just as odd as any other state's garage musical
history, and Badger Beat Chronicles is just another example of the
fine music that comes from our fair state.
Many of the bands were also featured prominently on other
compilations (vinyl only) on two particular volumes of
Highs In The Mid 60's-Wisconsin Volumes 10 and 15.
You'll hear the other singles,on Highs In The Mid-60's like the Faros,
(doing a blazing garage R & B workout version of Please,Please What's
The Matter)with an awesome guitar freakout that runs crazy until
the song finally fades, like it can't go on anymore. Pure teenage insanity.
They don't make music like that anymore...and I wish they did.
It's raw and real.
I encourage you to seek out those vinyl editions, and give them a spin.
Otherwise, stay tuned here! I'll do my best to present it.
These are all important pieces of the music puzzle you must own
or at least hear, because if you're already reading this, you're interested!
But, back to Badger Beat Chronicles; you're going to get music from
bands who might have only released one or two singles on their own
labels, or a friend's label, or if they were lucky Cuca Records. Who were
able to distribute a little better than the smaller home made labels.
The only other way you could distribute your singles was just by
live shows, and maybe giving a local DJ a copy, to play. And you
had to play the larger cities, in order to get your singles heard.
Talk about do-it-yourself!
The punks weren't the first to invent it!
So this wonderful vinyl edition compiles singles-some A sides
and maybe an odd B-side for us, and is, perhaps
the only way you're going to hear this music,and their cosmic yelps.
Just because you've never heard of these bands,doesn't mean they
don't rock, and they aren't cool. Give it a chance,and you'll be
a garage music fanatic like me. I hope to see more of these type
of compilations, so this unheard music can be heard across
the world, putting Wisconsin rock music on the map. Though
this is surely obscure garage music, it rocks and is unforgettable.
Here's the slop, pop:
01. The Crucibles- Beware Of Birds
02. The Komons- Caught In A Trap
03. The Chieftones- Don't Dare
04. Sano & The Saints Five- Have Love Will Travel
05. The Quarrymen- Why
06. The Private Property Of Digil- To My Friends
07. The Inspirations- That Girl
08. The Henchmen VI- Is Love Real?
09. The Society- One Way Ride
10. The Quarrymen- Don't Try Your Luck
11. The Talismen- Glitter & Gold
12. The Spacemen- Modman
13. The Challengers Of Who- Leave Me Be
14. The Wanderer's Rest- The Girl That I Love
15. Tomorrow's Children- I Can Only Give You Everything
16. The Pynk Peach Mob- No Tears
17. The Faros- I'm Calling You Back
18. The Orbits- Don't
19. The Girls Take Over- High Heel Sneakers
20. The Hinge- The Idols Of Your Mind
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