This is a series of discs that are home-made,and therefore,
much cooler than most records labels could possibly put together.
Each disc has nearly 25-31 tracks or so, and features all music
made,recorded in Wisconsin. All carefully compiled from singles,
albums,you name it. I didn't make these,but think they're worth
sharing here. A lot of work went into these,as they are from some
pretty rare singles. And most tracks have never appeared on disc
for reissue. I wish certain record labels would take these and put
them out,just make the recordings sound the same volume,and
fix the tracks slightly,maybe find better copies on cleaner
vinyl or go back to the master tapes if they even exist anymore.
If the master tapes are no longer available, then I guess this will
have to do...Well, enough of that. Volume 1 features
The Noblemen-"Dirty Robber"
one of my favorites, and the b-side as well! Thunder Wagon.
Other special treats are: The Fendermen with
"Mule Skinner Blues",
the one that was re-recorded on Soma Records,The Citations
doing a super rare song called 'Moon Race". Moon Race is one
of those singles that charted locally, and made a small splash
in Milwaukee radio,I understand kids phoned into the radio
stations,and requested the song over and over until the song
actually made the local charts. Back then,those things could happen
well before record labels controlled the charts,and things like
that could happen. Another cool single here is "Lariat" by the
very popular Milwaukee band The Legends. A great little record
from 1962. This disc also includes their follow up single
"Bopalena" another treat! See Wisconsin music does not suck!
The rest of the CD has some pretty light hearted rock,
and instrumentals, nothing earth-shaking,it just proves
Wisconsin was a pretty busy state of music and bands.
This disc features bands from:Waukesha,mostly Milwaukee,
Stoughton, Oshkosh and features labels like: Soma, Ermine,
Sara,Groove, Raynard, Cinch, Cuca, Cite, and many more.
The music is from 1958-1965. Enjoy!
Wisconsin Rocks Volume 1
Greetings Wisconsin, from Virginia.
Excellent collection. Thank you. Track 1 "Cinch" is great. I love the early rock instrumentals.
Thank you so much for these. I'm so glad i found your really cool site. Plz more of these. thanks again, Martin
c'mon computer - you are downloading to slow. Can you tell I am a little excited at listening. Thanks for putting together - exciting post.
another greeting from Virginia
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